Author: Katie Patton

  • Clean Nintendo Cartridges

    The original Nintendo gaming console is in high demand. Most of the consoles are defective because of corrosion in the player itself. But if you know that your console works fine, it may be the game itself. you can look at the gold nubs and see if there is any dirt on them. If there…

  • Clean Nintendo 64 Games

    Sometimes you find a great game at the thrift store but it’s completely corroded. If it doesn’t play don’t worry you can clean it! It’s worth a shot to buy it and bring it home and try to repair it. In the video above I show you how I cleaned a N64 cartridge. There are…

  • Free Shipping Boxes for eBay

    Bootstrapping means saving as much money as you can. if you are starting an eBay or Etsy business you want to be careful of your spending early on. The easiest way to do this is to get free shipping boxes for eBay. You can do this a couple ways. Reusuing boxes is a great way…

  • Spot Fake Lacoste Shirts

    When you go shopping for things at garage sales or thrift stores, you will come across a lot of fakes. this video shows you how to spot fake Lacoste polo shirts. These are the most common shirts that are faked. It can be really easy to spot them if you know what to look for.…

  • eBay Betrays Sellers

    Here’s one thing that eBay seller should be angry about. You pay fees to create listings on eBay right? Well then why are they selling ad space on your listings. Didn’t you already pay for that space. These advertisements don’t even link to other sellers. These ads go to another website. it takes them off…